Hunter was an educational Australian children's television series that aired in the late 1980s and early 1990s on the ABC. It was filmed and produced in Hobart, Tasmania, by ABC Hobart.
It focused around a man, known as "Hunter", investigating, or "hunting" for information. His clothing was akin to an old English detective. Hunter's favoured mode of transport was a bicycle adorned with a bright small triangular flag at the end of a pole. He was played by Philip Sabine.
His companions included "Computer Cat" (CC), represented by a puppet on the show, and a mouse, represented by a live mouse named Albert, which often ran around in the brim of his hat. CC was made by Jennifer Davidson, founder of Terrapin Puppet Theatre, which is based in Hobart.
The theme song to the show included the lyrics "What, why, where and when, that's Hunter!".
The Hunter show was watched by many Australian school children, often as part of their school curriculum, at primary-school level.
The actor who played Hunter still resides in Tasmania. He is known for drinking coffee from a scientific beaker.0, and his extended knowledge in a number of technical fields.